Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Baked goods galore

Being at home on maternity leave with baby still in tummy leaves much time for doing things I normally want to do but don't have time to. Having surfed for hours on end different food bloggers sites, I've been so inspired by their lovely stories and baked creations that accompany them.

So here is the result of my being inspired...

Blueberry & Choc Chip Muffins

Oaty Caramel Slice
(got this recipe from Teresa in NZ)

This was my first attempt at making a caramel slice. It's different from the conventional 3 layer caramel slice (coconut base, caramel middle, choc icing). I didn't have any coconut so I just substituted it with rolled oats - made it seem a little healthier. It's also quite nice to have almonds sprinkled through the mixture. It was delicious but a bit too sweet after several helpings.

Zebra Cheesecake

This is my 3rd attempt at this zebra cheesecake (pictured with the oaty caramel slice). It's not supposed to be the typical baked cheesecake. It's supposed to be a light, souffle cheesecake and the lightness is achieved by using less cream cheese (only 250g) and baking it in a water bath. I have successfully made a souffle cheesecake before but forgot which recipe I followed as it was a while ago:

Very first attempt at souffle cheesecake (successful)

Anyway, back to this zebra cheesecake attempt. My first two were failures because firstly, the water from the water bath kept getting into through the foil at the bottom of the cake tin. I realised I needed to bigger sized foil. Secondly, the zebra pattern wasn't showing up properly and it was because I wasn't using dutch-processed cocoa. So having got my hands on the proper cocoa and foil, I attempted this recipe again... Unfortunately, the cake still didn't rise therefore, no zebra effect. :( Oh well, at least the top of the cake looks zebra-like. I have a feeling I was too heavy handed when folding the cocoa powder into the mixture.

Will I try again? I don't know. I might just stick with the plain one for now :)

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